Friday, April 9, 2021 7:00-8:00 pm
Classical Conversations
with George Marriner Maull
NJPAC Virtual – Free on Zoom
Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 4 in F Minor is a monumental work that explores various sides of the human personality. Join our friends at NJPAC for a special Zoom event that dives deep into the symphony’s wild emotional journey.
This online hour is conducted by George Marriner Maull, host of NJPAC’s Classical Overtures, Artistic Director of The Discovery Orchestra, and host of Inside Music on WWFM 89.1, The Classical Network. Within this one piece, we’ll find joy, wonder, yearning, giddiness, and… well, we’ll let Maestro Maull tell the rest of the story. You’ll also receive a downloadable listening guide and suggested YouTube performances to make sure you don’t miss a beat!
Learn more or reserve your virtual spot through NJPAC.