Stephen Wu

August 20, 2017: Musical Time Travel

Stephen Wu, pianist Sunday, August 20, 2017 ~ 6:00 pm Mondo, 426 Springfield Ave, Summit, NJ Join us for a casual, summer event at Mondo in Summit, NJ! Pianist Stephen…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 121 – Beethoven Appassionata Part 6

Here’s the “wrap-up” of our look at Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 23 – The Appassionata. Guest artist, pianist Stephen Wu, plays the entire 3rd movement.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 120 – Beethoven Appassionata Part 5

In this Chat, Maestro Maull and pianist Stephen Wu continue to discuss the components of the Sonata form, focusing on the special ending, or coda, in Beethoven’s Appassionata.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 118 – Beethoven Appassionata Part 3

In this Chat, Maestro Maull and pianist Stephen Wu explore the middle section of Beethoven’s Appassionata. The “emotional purpose” of this middle section, know as the development, is to increase…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 117 – Beethoven Appassionata Part 2

In this Chat featuring pianist Stephen Wu, Maestro Maull discusses Beethoven’s use of themes in the 3rd Movement of The Appassionata.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 116 – Beethoven Appassionata Part 1

One of Maestro Maull’s all-time favorite classical compositions is Beethoven’s Piano Sonata #23. In this Chat featuring pianist Stephen Wu, Maestro Maull discusses Beethoven’s use of chords in the 3rd…

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What a great idea to do this. It looks and sounds fantastic. I LOVED the music, the animated lettering and the design for Notes from Under the Piano…It takes a special gift to transform the written word into the spoken word…And the length is perfect, left me wanting more…

— ‘Notes from Under the Piano’ viewer


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