Paterson Music Project

Cause for Hope

There is a significant ray of sunshine out there. Perhaps the biggest cause for hope regarding the future of classical music revolves around the efforts of one Jose Antonio Abreu,…

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Fiddle-and-Fa-La-La Fest!

This is what it looked like on Saturday June 7, 2014 as the first ever concert of El Sistema New Jersey took place in the lobby of the New Jersey…

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You Can Go Home Again!

Members of the Paterson Music Project rehearsing for their April 20 performance. They say: “You can never go home again!” And this may be true. “Things change” and “you change.”…

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Two Visits in Four Days

Maestro Maull with some of the campers and staff from Camp YDP, Paterson, New Jersey   On Steve Hoffman Music Forums there’s an interesting conversation going on around the topic:…

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What a great idea to do this. It looks and sounds fantastic. I LOVED the music, the animated lettering and the design for Notes from Under the Piano…It takes a special gift to transform the written word into the spoken word…And the length is perfect, left me wanting more…

— ‘Notes from Under the Piano’ viewer


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