Handels Messiah

Handel's Hallelujah from Messiah Some Holiday Levity - blog title

Hallelujah… Some Holiday Levity

Have you ever sung Messiah – a portion of it, or just Hallelujah?  I remember the first time I did.  I was scared out of my mind.  The choir of…

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Hallelujah Part 1

We know that the chorus, Hallelujah, from Handel’s Messiah, stirs us from the soles of our feet to the top of our head. Host George Marriner Maull sheds light on…

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Stumbled upon this quite by accident on our Maryland PBS station. What a joy! Firebird is my favorite piece of music and your wonderful program just enhanced my appreciation of Stravinsky’s genius. Thank you and keep up your great work of feeding our souls!

— Discover The Firebird TV Viewer


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