Discovery Orchestra Chat

Discovery Orchestra Chat 79 – Clarinet Timbres

We are pleased to highlight the talents of the orchestra’s Executive Director Virginia Johnston as she demonstrates the different members of the clarinet family. See if you can identify some…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 31 – Suspension and Resolution

Would you like relief from tension? Find out how composers do it in this Discovery Orchestra Chat!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 30 – What’s Funny? Episode 1

Maestro Maull shares a couple of his favorite humorous, musical moments in Discovery Chat 30 – What’s Funny Episode 1.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 29 – The Hypnotic Effect of Bluegrass

Guest artist John Carlini joins Maestro Maull as they explore the hypnotic effect of Bluegrass.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 28 – Special Effects Part 2

Guest artist John Carlini joins Maestro Maull as they explore the effect of audible slides or glissandos.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 27 – What Makes It Jazz?

Guest artist John Carlini joins Maestro Maull as they explore certain kinds of “jazzy” chords.

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Stumbled upon this quite by accident on our Maryland PBS station. What a joy! Firebird is my favorite piece of music and your wonderful program just enhanced my appreciation of Stravinsky’s genius. Thank you and keep up your great work of feeding our souls!

— Discover The Firebird TV Viewer


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