AHA moment

Discovery Orchestra Chat 5 – Texture Part 1

All music has texture – find out what the different kinds are in this Discovery Orchestra Chat!  

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 4 – Did You Say Modal?

What exactly does modal refer to? Find out in this Discovery Orchestra Chat!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 3 – Musical Paragraphs

Composers write the equivalent of sentences in music which we call “phrases”. Groups of phrases are put together to form “paragraphs” in music. Learning how to notice these paragraphs gives…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 2 – Change That Chord

Chords provide us with a way of enriching a melody – see how in this Discovery Orchestra Chat!  

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 1 – Ornaments Part 1

New and improved! We have re-edited our first Chats – same great content, but all spic and span now. Have a look at Chat #1 ! What is a musical…

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So many reasons to thank you! I loved listening to your work with our students and especially seeing their engagement with you. Thank you for your support of this school. Your energy and your expertise make a difference.

— Paul Chapin, Head of Newark Boys Chorus School


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