Jan 20, 2022

Discover Winter from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons

Discover Vivaldi Winter. Sign up for your free listening guide and bonus material.

Free Listening Guide

A Listening Guide is a visual ‘roadmap’ of classical pieces for ‘do-it-yourself’ listening lessons, using YouTube recordings recommended by Maestro Maull. The guide highlights specific musical details to notice as you’re listening! The Discovery Orchestra would like to share resources we have developed with the hope they will benefit anyone who would love to get more enjoyment out of actively listening to music. 

Winter is the last of four violin concertos that comprise Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. It describes the slow fall of snow and the fast trill of the violins sounds like teeth chattering caused by intense cold. This rhythmical piece will remind you of the great beauties of winter and the comfort of a warm home!

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