Musical Style

Discovery Orchestra Chat 71 – All That Jazz Part 2

Guest artists jazz pianist Dan Crisci, drummer Steve Holloway, and Bob Funesti on bass join George Marriner Maull in this second of four jazzy chats!

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Are You Feeling Blue?

Has something got you down? There are lots of reasons we can feel kind of low. There are economic downturns, romantic disappointments, accidents – feel free to fill in your…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 70 – All That Jazz Part 1

Guest artists jazz pianist Dan Crisci, drummer Steve Holloway, and Bob Funesti on bass join George Marriner Maull in this first of four jazzy chats!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 69 – DARKNESS TO LIGHTNESS

Music – like our feeling states – can change on a dime! Find out how Mahler did this in his Symphony No. 1.  

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Take Me Out to the Ball Game

My apologies for the ‘sounds of silence’ since my June 30th entry. My brain’s been seeking but not finding more answers to the decline in classical concert attendance. In this…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 68 – Lightness To Darkness

Beethoven moves from light-heartedness to despair in a matter of seconds. Listen to this incredible change!

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What a great idea to do this. It looks and sounds fantastic. I LOVED the music, the animated lettering and the design for Notes from Under the Piano…It takes a special gift to transform the written word into the spoken word…And the length is perfect, left me wanting more…

— ‘Notes from Under the Piano’ viewer


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