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Discovery Orchestra Chat 138 – Ravel String Quartet Part 4

Maestro Maull explores Ravel’s String Quartet featuring the New Jersey Youth Symphony String Quartet in this final Chat in the series!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 137 – Ravel String Quartet Part 3

Maestro Maull explores Ravel’s String Quartet featuring the New Jersey Youth Symphony String Quartet in this third of four Discovery Orchestra Chats.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 136 – Ravel String Quartet Part 2

Maestro Maull explores Ravel’s String Quartet featuring the New Jersey Youth Symphony String Quartet in this second of four Discovery Orchestra Chats.

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Music and ….

Please don’t all shout at once! I can hear the comments now: “But you always say that listening to classical music is in and of itself a completely worthwhile experience….

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 135 – Ravel String Quartet Part 1

Maestro Maull explores the first two movements of Ravel’s String Quartet featuring the New Jersey Youth Symphony String Quartet in this first of four Discovery Orchestra Chats.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 134 – Beethoven with a Wink and a Smile Part 5

The culmination of the exploration of Beethoven’s String Quartet Opus 18, No. 3 in D Major – a play through of the piece by the Amphion String Quartet featuring an…

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Stumbled upon this quite by accident on our Maryland PBS station. What a joy! Firebird is my favorite piece of music and your wonderful program just enhanced my appreciation of Stravinsky’s genius. Thank you and keep up your great work of feeding our souls!

— Discover The Firebird TV Viewer


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