Musical Style

Open Sesame

Do you remember the first time you encountered that phrase? Perhaps you saw it in an English translation of Antoine Galland’s Les Mille et une nuits (One Thousand and One…

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What’s More, It Wasn’t Serving As Entertainment!

“Walking home from the Civic Center Farmer’s Market a couple of Sundays ago, I heard a Mozart string quintet being blasted from what sounded like a boom box, a surrealistic…

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Can Technology Save Classical Music?

This title is not mine, but belongs to a blog post on the Huffington Post Arts & Culture page from February. Julie Dobrow, Director of Communications and Media Studies at…

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Charlie Rose – Are You Listening?

Public television host and interviewer par excellence, Charlie Rose, has been a favorite of mine since his first broadcasts in the early 1990’s on WNET. There are so many things…

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Thank You! Thank You!

This quote from our upcoming annual report says it all: “During our 2014-2015 season, we undertook a large project to realize a long-held ‘dream’ of the organization – the professional…

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A Re-Write ~ Published Originally As: Weathering Life’s Storms

“Devastating, terrifying, catastrophic, lethal. . .all these adjectives and more were used to describe the effects of Hurricane Sandy that pounded the northeastern United States in the fall of 2012….

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What a great idea to do this. It looks and sounds fantastic. I LOVED the music, the animated lettering and the design for Notes from Under the Piano…It takes a special gift to transform the written word into the spoken word…And the length is perfect, left me wanting more…

— ‘Notes from Under the Piano’ viewer


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