Musical Style

How Do I Listen? A Performer After My Own Heart!

Rachel Deloughrey, primephonic editor, interviewed violinist Augustin Hadelich on this very topic. The young superstar in the classical music world says some striking things: “When I perform violin concertos, they…

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Our Sagging, Flabby Attention Spans

Anne Quito, design and architecture reporter for Quartz recently wrote an excellent article, headlined: The classical music concert is a vital workout for our sagging, flabby attention spans. Anne puts…

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From Anhedonia to Bliss

Anhedonia – now there’s a word for you. Did I hear you say it’s not one you use frequently? Neither do I. But it’s an important one. Anhedonia (notice the…

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An Afternoon with The Discovery Orchestra

Last season’s Discover Dueling Pianists was so well received that there was no question among our staff that we would repeat this event in 2016-17. What was especially gratifying this…

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Mr. Rose’s Question – Not To Be Confused With Mr. Holland’s Opus

Last March I blogged about a Charlie Rose interview with outgoing New York Philharmonic Music Director Alan Gilbert. Below is the question posed to Maestro Gilbert that really captured my…

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I’m as mad as Hell. . .

I’m not actually “mad as Hell” – although, who among us who saw the 1976 film Network can ever forget the incredible scene in which we are urged by fictional…

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So many reasons to thank you! I loved listening to your work with our students and especially seeing their engagement with you. Thank you for your support of this school. Your energy and your expertise make a difference.

— Paul Chapin, Head of Newark Boys Chorus School


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