
Oi Vey! Not Another One!

contributor Mark Vanhoenacker offered yet another in the unending series of obituaries for classical music on January 21, 2014, entitled Requiem – Classical Music in America is dead. Vanhoenacker quotes…

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Thanks! An Encore Presentation. . .

As I began to write what I hope will be an annual Thanksgiving Day blog post, I re-read last year’s – my first. It appeared to contain some good thoughts,…

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Two Visits in Four Days

Maestro Maull with some of the campers and staff from Camp YDP, Paterson, New Jersey   On Steve Hoffman Music Forums there’s an interesting conversation going on around the topic:…

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Being Thankful

Mental health professionals and spiritual mentors agree – making a list of things for which we are thankful and grateful is a good habit to develop. Even better, read this…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 73 – All That Jazz Part 4

Guest artists jazz pianist Dan Crisci, drummer Steve Holloway, and Bob Funesti on bass join George Marriner Maull in this last of four jazzy chats!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 72 – All That Jazz Part 3

Guest artists jazz pianist Dan Crisci, drummer Steve Holloway, and Bob Funesti on bass join George Marriner Maull in this third of four jazzy chats!

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I just listened to the first episode of this (Dvorak’s “New World” Symphony) and can’t believe how fortunate I was to run across this on Prime. I have heard Maull lecture many times before performances and now here he is right on my computer screen and with the clearest of visual aids. I promise if you listen to one of these you will understand a piece as never before. And, I have discovered from past experiences with his lectures that I always listen to any given piece with a greater connection. These “home” viewings of Maull’s lectures are such a gift! Highly recommended.

— Carolyn Bross, Amazon Reviewer


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