
Discovery Orchestra Chat 38 – Moods

Invisible, wordless communication! Explore one of music’s most magical aspects!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 37 – Rests

Need a rest? Discover the pleasure of silence!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 25 – Syncopation

Maestro Maull discusses and demonstrates this aspect of the element of rhythm.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 21 – Subtle Gestures

Another aspect of musical virtuosity is on display in this Chat – the art of subtle gestures. Featuring Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull, pianist.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 19 – Stealing Time

Beat varies in speed in some compositions – learn more in this Chat featuring Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull, pianist.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 17 – A Matter of Meter

The beat, or pulse, of music is usually predictable – learn how to sense the meter of the music! Featuring guest artist Dan Crisci.

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Marvelous job, Maestro, as always! Thank you for doing such a splendid, insightful and careful deep-dive into the art and craftsmanship that Tchaikovsky, after much effort, put into creating this work. There really is no greater portrayal of young love in music than his Romeo and Juliet, and your thoughtfulness demonstrates it so admirably.

— Chat Video Listener


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