Musical Elements

Discovery Orchestra Chat 11 – Repetition and Sequence

Discover two aspects of form in this Chat – the use of repetition and sequence in music.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 10 – Name that Timbre

Timbre is the sound source in music – violin, piccolo, trombone etc. Learn more in this Chat!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 9 – What is Maullaria?

It’s a play on words – the state induced in Maestro Maull by active music listening – he hopes you catch it!

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What is Maullaria?

The term “Maullaria” was coined by a young student of mine in the early 1980s who had a T-Shirt made which stated: “I have Maullaria.” Amused, years later I decided…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 8 – Texture Part 3

Part 3 in this series of Chats on musical texture!  

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 7 – Cadence

What exactly is cadence in music? Find out in this Chat!

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I was thrilled when I finished listening to your second episode of my favorite piece of music. I always got emotional when I ‘heard’ the second movement of Beethoven’s Seventh [Symphony], but this time I was deeply touched as I could do much more than just ‘hearing’, I could finally ‘listen’ to Beethoven!

— Inside Music radio listener


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