
Discovery Orchestra Chat 65 – The Point

Don’t miss the point! Many compositions have a special one to make.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 63 – Major & Minor Revisited

Do really good feelings sometimes hurt? Learn more in this Discovery Chat!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 62 – Text Painting

Composers drive home the meaning of words by composing appropriate musical settings.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 61 – Major or Minor

Changing only one pitch moves us from major to minor or minor to major! Listen for this subtle difference in this Discovery Orchestra Chat!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 56 – Treat Yourself to Bach

Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto #4 is featured in this chat. Heighten your listening by following TDO’s listening guide!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 55 – Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! Thrill to Handel’s most well-known chorus as you follow our listening guide!

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I was thrilled when I finished listening to your second episode of my favorite piece of music. I always got emotional when I ‘heard’ the second movement of Beethoven’s Seventh [Symphony], but this time I was deeply touched as I could do much more than just ‘hearing’, I could finally ‘listen’ to Beethoven!

— Inside Music radio listener


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