
You Can Take the Choirboy Out of the Choir School. . .

“But you can’t take the choir school out of the choir boy.” As I noted in my very first blog Opening Chord, I attended St. Peter’s Choir School in Philadelphia…

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Let It Snow

Are you a fan of the a cappella ensemble Chanticleer? If you enjoy male a cappella groups, Chanticleer is hopefully at or near the top of your list. This group…

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The Opening Chord Revisited

I’ve been blogging now for a little over three years. I sometimes wonder if anyone out there has actually been reading them. To recapitulate, as we’d say in sonata form,…

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The Choir Boys

From 1956 through 1960, grades 4 through 7, I had the incredible good fortune of attending St. Peter’s Choir School in Philadelphia. It was intense on every level, musically, academically…

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Bach’s Birthday

It’s been a couple days since J.S. Bach’s birthday on March 21. Think about this. What if you could write a musical composition that would still powerfully move listeners 300…

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Halloween Candy

Sometime before Halloween, The Discovery Orchestra will post a photo on Facebook that purports to have me in the picture. It does, in fact, have a nine-year-old George Marriner Maull…

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Thank you for providing the free online learning videos! We had our students listen to The Firebird Suite Lullaby & Finale and read an article where researchers found evidence that a conch shell was used as an instrument 17,000 years ago. Then students drew a picture (grades K-2) or wrote (grades 3-8) about how the music made them feel.

— Jen Carcich, Director of Curriculum at Unity Charter School, Morristown


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