Featured Instrument A-M

Discovery Orchestra Chat 65 – The Point

Don’t miss the point! Many compositions have a special one to make.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 64 – What’s Funny? Episode 6

Time for a laugh in this chat!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 63 – Major & Minor Revisited

Do really good feelings sometimes hurt? Learn more in this Discovery Chat!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 62 – Text Painting

Composers drive home the meaning of words by composing appropriate musical settings.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 61 – Major or Minor

Changing only one pitch moves us from major to minor or minor to major! Listen for this subtle difference in this Discovery Orchestra Chat!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 60 – Incredible Gas Mileage

How’s your gas mileage? Compare yours to Bach’s!

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What a great idea to do this. It looks and sounds fantastic. I LOVED the music, the animated lettering and the design for Notes from Under the Piano…It takes a special gift to transform the written word into the spoken word…And the length is perfect, left me wanting more…

— ‘Notes from Under the Piano’ viewer


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