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Discovery Orchestra Chat 21 – Subtle Gestures

Another aspect of musical virtuosity is on display in this Chat – the art of subtle gestures. Featuring Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull, pianist.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 20 – Special Effects Part 1

One type of special effect in music is the imitation of sound. Maestro Maull uses Bartok’s Romanian Folk Dances to illustrate, with guest artists Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull,…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 19 – Stealing Time

Beat varies in speed in some compositions – learn more in this Chat featuring Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull, pianist.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 18 – How Fast Can You Play?

Virtuosity can sometimes be measured by how fast a performer can play in this Chat featuring Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull, pianist.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 17 – A Matter of Meter

The beat, or pulse, of music is usually predictable – learn how to sense the meter of the music! Featuring guest artist Dan Crisci.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 16 – Chord Progression

Composers began to use chord progression during the Renaissance – one of the most common progressions is 1 4 1 5 1 – what exactly does that mean?

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Thank you for providing the free online learning videos! We had our students listen to The Firebird Suite Lullaby & Finale and read an article where researchers found evidence that a conch shell was used as an instrument 17,000 years ago. Then students drew a picture (grades K-2) or wrote (grades 3-8) about how the music made them feel.

— Jen Carcich, Director of Curriculum at Unity Charter School, Morristown


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