Composer S-Z

Yuja and Igor

On Sunday December 7th I once again had the privilege of speaking before one of the Bank of America Series of classical music concerts at the New Jersey Performing Arts…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 144 – Tease

Do you enjoy being teased? Composers enjoy teasing listeners – Maestro Maull shows you how in this Discovery Orchestra Chat using Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings to illustrate.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 142 – The String Thing

Find out about Maestro Maull’s “passionate feeling of connection” to strings in this Chat where he uses Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings and Ralph Vaughan Williams Fantasia on a Theme by…

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Birthday Blog

Birthday girl, birthday boy, birthday cake. . .I thought why not birthday blog! It’s true. October is my birthday month, and I know that many other people share it including…

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Ear Worms

This revolting term actually has a specific musical meaning! Wikipedia states: “An ear worm, sometimes also known as a brain worm, (that sounds even worse to me) is a catchy…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 129 – Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4 Part 8

Maestro Maull continues the exploration of the 4th movement of Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 4 in this last Discovery Orchestra Chat on the piece!

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Thank you for providing the free online learning videos! We had our students listen to The Firebird Suite Lullaby & Finale and read an article where researchers found evidence that a conch shell was used as an instrument 17,000 years ago. Then students drew a picture (grades K-2) or wrote (grades 3-8) about how the music made them feel.

— Jen Carcich, Director of Curriculum at Unity Charter School, Morristown


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