Composer M-R

A Belated Valentine

The creation of emotional tension and the release of it is a common aesthetic goal among all composers of wordless, abstract music. The moment of greatest emotional intensity in a…

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Gentle Goodbyes

The first and final movements of many symphonies and concertos end with a bang! “Send them home on a high note!” But that is not universally the case. George Marriner…

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The Point

Host George Marriner Maull uses Claude Debussy’s La Mer, Movement 2, to illustrate a favorite concept of composer Sergei Rachmaninoff. Rachmaninoff believed that every movement of music had a moment…

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A New Year’s Contest

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had an incredible sense of humor. Host George Marriner Maull believes it’s nowhere more apparent than in Mozart’s Overture to the Marriage of Figaro. Inside Music with…

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The Problem with Program Notes

Movement I of Mozart’s Piano Sonata in C, K.545 is used by Host George Marriner Maull to look into “the problem with program notes” – the use of technical music…

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The Universal Language?

Marissa Fessenden penned an article for in February 2018 entitled Why Music Is Not A Universal Language in which she cites a video made by Ethen of the Sideways…

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I was thrilled when I finished listening to your second episode of my favorite piece of music. I always got emotional when I ‘heard’ the second movement of Beethoven’s Seventh [Symphony], but this time I was deeply touched as I could do much more than just ‘hearing’, I could finally ‘listen’ to Beethoven!

— Inside Music radio listener


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