Composer A-B

Discovery Orchestra Chat 22 – Pedal Point

Maestro Maull discusses the power of pedal point with the help of audio clips.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 20 – Special Effects Part 1

One type of special effect in music is the imitation of sound. Maestro Maull uses Bartok’s Romanian Folk Dances to illustrate, with guest artists Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull,…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 19 – Stealing Time

Beat varies in speed in some compositions – learn more in this Chat featuring Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull, pianist.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 15 – Variation Form

In this Chat, Maestro Maull challenges you to think like a composer – by changing an original “sound” so that sound is still recognizable – variation form!

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The Good News

In 1960, when I left St. Peter’s Choir School in Philadelphia and entered the local public school. . .Abraham Lincoln High School, populated by some 5,000 students grades eight through…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 13 – Change That Chord Again

Jazz musicians love to introduce new harmonies under the melodies they play. Guest artist Dan Crisci, jazz pianist, helps Maestro Maull illustrate in this Chat.

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What a great idea to do this. It looks and sounds fantastic. I LOVED the music, the animated lettering and the design for Notes from Under the Piano…It takes a special gift to transform the written word into the spoken word…And the length is perfect, left me wanting more…

— ‘Notes from Under the Piano’ viewer


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