Composer A-B

Happy Birthday Wolfgang!

It’s January 27th – the day the universe gave us Johannes Chrysostomus (after St. John Chrysostom) Wolfgangus (“Running Wolf” after his maternal grandfather – almost sounds Native American, nicht wahr?)…

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Listeners Speak

“I took a course with E. Ray Sprenkle at Peabody about 15 years ago, and that man taught me to listen to Brahms and Dvorak with my soul, to understand…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 146 – Great Intros

Have you ever been to an event where someone introduced the featured speaker? That introduction can make or break how the audience reacts to the speaker. So it is with…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 145 – Goosebumps City

Have you ever gotten goosebumps listening to classical music? In this Chat, Maestro Maull brings you three of his favorite “goosebumps moments”. Tune in to see what his favorites are…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 143 – Codas

Codas are special endings that composers may write for the conclusion of a movement. Maestro Maull explores the codas used in Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 and Brahms’ Symphony No….

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The Opening Chord Revisited

I’ve been blogging now for a little over three years. I sometimes wonder if anyone out there has actually been reading them. To recapitulate, as we’d say in sonata form,…

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Thank you for providing the free online learning videos! We had our students listen to The Firebird Suite Lullaby & Finale and read an article where researchers found evidence that a conch shell was used as an instrument 17,000 years ago. Then students drew a picture (grades K-2) or wrote (grades 3-8) about how the music made them feel.

— Jen Carcich, Director of Curriculum at Unity Charter School, Morristown


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