
Discovery Orchestra Chat 131 – Beethoven with a Wink and a Smile Part 2

Maestro Maull explores sonata allegro form in Beethoven’s String Quartet Opus 18, No. 3 in D Major with the Amphion String Quartet. Second in a series, this Chat is from…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 130 – Beethoven with a Wink and a Smile Part 1

Maestro Maull explores sonata allegro form in Beethoven’s String Quartet Opus 18, No. 3 in D Major with the Amphion String Quartet.  This Chat is from a live Discovery Concert…

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Emmy Reflections

Yes, it was disappointing not to win the Emmy. At The Discovery Orchestra we at times lulled ourselves into magically thinking that the proverbial ‘third time would be a charm.’…

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The Sound of Silence

No, I’m not referring to the Simon & Garfunkle hit song from 1966, sometimes called Sounds of Silence which is actually the name of the album they released containing this…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 121 – Beethoven Appassionata Part 6

Here’s the “wrap-up” of our look at Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 23 – The Appassionata. Guest artist, pianist Stephen Wu, plays the entire 3rd movement.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 120 – Beethoven Appassionata Part 5

In this Chat, Maestro Maull and pianist Stephen Wu continue to discuss the components of the Sonata form, focusing on the special ending, or coda, in Beethoven’s Appassionata.

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This has been an incredible series. I could take in SO much more than I could at the beginning ones. You have really trained my ears!!! I have been enjoying classical music for more than 60 years (as a child my parents played classical music at dinner and we guessed the composer) but I NEVER knew how to listen before!

— Attendee of NJPAC Classical Conversations with Maestro Maull


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