
Pedal Point City

This harmonic device has been used for hundreds of years and derives its name from a compositional practice employed by church organist-composers like Bach. In this episode George Marriner Maull…

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A Little Bach Music

Host George Marriner Maull explores the difference between hearing and listening while exploring details of the final movement of Brandenburg Concerto No. 4. Aspects of Bach’s use of the elements…

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Intentional Acts of Kindness – Encore

Old blog posts, once written, become a ‘thought mining resource’ for me. I might be looking for some reference I made to a particular subject or person. . .perhaps an…

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Something To Cheer About!

We’ve written about our educational television shows before, and we’re proud of the number of viewers who according to Nielsen Ratings have seen each of them here in the United…

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Did You Know?

We are indeed proud of our digital presence. . .especially of our four productions distributed by American Public Television (APT). Bach to the Future, our initial televised Discovery Concert, was…

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Intentional Acts of Kindness

Random acts of kindness are indeed wonderful events. You know the situation. . .you get up to the register in the restaurant to pay your bill and the cashier, gesturing,…

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Thank you for providing the free online learning videos! We had our students listen to The Firebird Suite Lullaby & Finale and read an article where researchers found evidence that a conch shell was used as an instrument 17,000 years ago. Then students drew a picture (grades K-2) or wrote (grades 3-8) about how the music made them feel.

— Jen Carcich, Director of Curriculum at Unity Charter School, Morristown


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