The Maestro’s Blog

Cause for Hope

There is a significant ray of sunshine out there. Perhaps the biggest cause for hope regarding the future of classical music revolves around the efforts of one Jose Antonio Abreu,…

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Did You Know?

We are indeed proud of our digital presence. . .especially of our four productions distributed by American Public Television (APT). Bach to the Future, our initial televised Discovery Concert, was…

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Maestro Bernstein At 100

Conductor and educator Leon Botstein penned a thoughtful and substantive article entitled The Legacy of Leonard Bernstein for the Fall 2017 issue of Symphony, the publication of the League of…

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The End of Classical Music Criticism?

Norman Lebrecht, British commentator on music, culture and author of the classical music blog Slipped Disc, wrote in a post Another US Newspaper Deletes Classical Reviews, “The Hartford Courant has…

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The Educational Legacy of Bernstein

If you were born in the United States before 1965, chances are you viewed at least one of Leonard Bernstein’s fifty-three televised Young People’s Concerts broadcast between 1958 and 1972….

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Angels Unawares

It gave this nine-year-old choirboy a lot to think about. “Were there really angels showing up disguised as regular folks?” “Could they eat pizza and drink coke like the rest…

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I just listened to the first episode of this (Dvorak’s “New World” Symphony) and can’t believe how fortunate I was to run across this on Prime. I have heard Maull lecture many times before performances and now here he is right on my computer screen and with the clearest of visual aids. I promise if you listen to one of these you will understand a piece as never before. And, I have discovered from past experiences with his lectures that I always listen to any given piece with a greater connection. These “home” viewings of Maull’s lectures are such a gift! Highly recommended.

— Carolyn Bross, Amazon Reviewer


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