The Maestro’s Blog

Being Thankful

Mental health professionals and spiritual mentors agree – making a list of things for which we are thankful and grateful is a good habit to develop. Even better, read this…

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Weathering Life’s Storms

‘Devastating, terrifying, catastrophic, lethal’. . .all these adjectives and more have been used to describe the effects of the hurricane that pounded the northeastern United States two weeks ago. Grief,…

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What Makes Scary Music Scary?

We’ve all been there. The music that composers create as soundtracks for suspense and horror films definitely does the job. It amplifies the feelings we are experiencing from the visual…

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Take Help When. . .And Where You Can Get It!

“Listening to music is an indispensable element in civil life, though it is often neglected. I am convinced that there is not only an aesthetic value in music: its intrinsic…

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Classical Music Month?

“The following US orchestras will not start the new season. . .Atlanta, Minnesota, St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, Indianapolis, San Antonio.” What a headline! Of course, there is always the chance…

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Is Classical Music Dying? Part 2

In a March 2011 blog post I posed the question: “Is classical music dying?” My thoughts mostly concerned the precarious financial condition of many of America’s professional symphony orchestras. ….

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Stumbled upon this quite by accident on our Maryland PBS station. What a joy! Firebird is my favorite piece of music and your wonderful program just enhanced my appreciation of Stravinsky’s genius. Thank you and keep up your great work of feeding our souls!

— Discover The Firebird TV Viewer


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