The Maestro’s Blog

The Opening Chord Revisited

I’ve been blogging now for a little over three years. I sometimes wonder if anyone out there has actually been reading them. To recapitulate, as we’d say in sonata form,…

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Ear Worms

This revolting term actually has a specific musical meaning! Wikipedia states: “An ear worm, sometimes also known as a brain worm, (that sounds even worse to me) is a catchy…

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Music and ….

Please don’t all shout at once! I can hear the comments now: “But you always say that listening to classical music is in and of itself a completely worthwhile experience….

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Outdoor Concerts

Everyone loves outdoor concerts. . .well almost everyone. Since it’s summertime, and it’s the season for programs presented in the open air, I thought it might be good to share…

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The Choir Boys

From 1956 through 1960, grades 4 through 7, I had the incredible good fortune of attending St. Peter’s Choir School in Philadelphia. It was intense on every level, musically, academically…

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Fiddle-and-Fa-La-La Fest!

This is what it looked like on Saturday June 7, 2014 as the first ever concert of El Sistema New Jersey took place in the lobby of the New Jersey…

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I just listened to the first episode of this (Dvorak’s “New World” Symphony) and can’t believe how fortunate I was to run across this on Prime. I have heard Maull lecture many times before performances and now here he is right on my computer screen and with the clearest of visual aids. I promise if you listen to one of these you will understand a piece as never before. And, I have discovered from past experiences with his lectures that I always listen to any given piece with a greater connection. These “home” viewings of Maull’s lectures are such a gift! Highly recommended.

— Carolyn Bross, Amazon Reviewer


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