Featured Artists

Not Their Thing

A recent search online connected me with an interesting 1984 article from the archives of The New York Times entitled, Education: Classical Music Not Their Thing. Gene I. Maeroff discusses…

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Something To Cheer About!

We’ve written about our educational television shows before, and we’re proud of the number of viewers who according to Nielsen Ratings have seen each of them here in the United…

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The Universal Language?

Marissa Fessenden penned an article for Smithsonian.com in February 2018 entitled Why Music Is Not A Universal Language in which she cites a video made by Ethen of the Sideways…

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If You Build It. . .They May Not Come

Picture a brand new performing arts center; the orchestra is tuned and ready to play a magnificent symphony; the lights dim. But what if there was no audience? It could…

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May 19, 2019: Intimate Afternoon – A Taste of Jazz

The Dan Crisci Quartet Sunday, May 19, 2019 2:00 pm – Note earlier start time! Pottersville, NJ Residence Join jazz pianist, composer and recording artist Dan Crisci, along with Grammy…

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Did You Know?

We are indeed proud of our digital presence. . .especially of our four productions distributed by American Public Television (APT). Bach to the Future, our initial televised Discovery Concert, was…

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So many reasons to thank you! I loved listening to your work with our students and especially seeing their engagement with you. Thank you for your support of this school. Your energy and your expertise make a difference.

— Paul Chapin, Head of Newark Boys Chorus School


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