Featured Artists

Discovery Orchestra Chat 73 – All That Jazz Part 4

Guest artists jazz pianist Dan Crisci, drummer Steve Holloway, and Bob Funesti on bass join George Marriner Maull in this last of four jazzy chats!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 72 – All That Jazz Part 3

Guest artists jazz pianist Dan Crisci, drummer Steve Holloway, and Bob Funesti on bass join George Marriner Maull in this third of four jazzy chats!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 71 – All That Jazz Part 2

Guest artists jazz pianist Dan Crisci, drummer Steve Holloway, and Bob Funesti on bass join George Marriner Maull in this second of four jazzy chats!

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Are You Feeling Blue?

Has something got you down? There are lots of reasons we can feel kind of low. There are economic downturns, romantic disappointments, accidents – feel free to fill in your…

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Not Your Father’s Music

“Hey dad, your music sounds so old fashioned!” Now there’s a nice Father’s Day greeting! Not! Even famous musician fathers have not been able to escape this kind of abuse…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 70 – All That Jazz Part 1

Guest artists jazz pianist Dan Crisci, drummer Steve Holloway, and Bob Funesti on bass join George Marriner Maull in this first of four jazzy chats!

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This has been an incredible series. I could take in SO much more than I could at the beginning ones. You have really trained my ears!!! I have been enjoying classical music for more than 60 years (as a child my parents played classical music at dinner and we guessed the composer) but I NEVER knew how to listen before!

— Attendee of NJPAC Classical Conversations with Maestro Maull


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