Featured Artists

Whether to Laugh or Cry

Two recent items published on-line by the League of American Orchestras reminded me of the importance of allowing music to speak for itself – to deliver its own message. The…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 106 – A Taste of Mexico

Guitarist Celil Refik Kaya is back again to help Maestro Maull explore Manuel Ponce’s Scherzino Mexicano in this Discovery Orchestra Chat!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 105 – Interpretation

The content of a piece of classical music has been fixed since it was finished by the composer who wrote it. But what about the words “Moderately Fast” or “Loud”…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 104 – A Third Look at Variation Form

In this Chat, Maestro Maull and guitarist Celil Refik Kaya explore Celil’s own composition entitled Theme & Variations on Pass et medio.  

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Art for Life’s Sake

On the evening of Monday, April 8, 2013 cellist Yo-Yo Ma delivered the Nancy Hanks Lecture on Arts and Public Policy at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. He called…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 103 – Another Episode of Program Music

Maestro Maull gives us a piece of program music that he has loved since he was 18. Program music is written by composers when they have a specific picture to…

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I just listened to the first episode of this (Dvorak’s “New World” Symphony) and can’t believe how fortunate I was to run across this on Prime. I have heard Maull lecture many times before performances and now here he is right on my computer screen and with the clearest of visual aids. I promise if you listen to one of these you will understand a piece as never before. And, I have discovered from past experiences with his lectures that I always listen to any given piece with a greater connection. These “home” viewings of Maull’s lectures are such a gift! Highly recommended.

— Carolyn Bross, Amazon Reviewer


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