Featured Artists

Old Time Fiddling

Recently I had the great treat of spending some time with my colleague Dave Rimelis. Dave recorded a series of Discovery Orchestra Chats in which he demonstrated various types of…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 154 – Old Time Fiddle

What makes “old time fiddling” sound the way it does? It’s all about the bowing technique! Find out more in this Discovery Orchestra Chat with guest artist Dave Rimelis.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 153 – Blues Fiddle

Find out what makes blues fiddling sound the way it does in this Chat with guest artist Dave Rimelis!

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Vacation Listening

Do you take music with you when you go on vacation? I do, but then I am so addicted to listening to music that I cannot imagine going anywhere without…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 152 – Celtic Fiddle

Maestro Maull continues his exploration of fiddle music with guest artist Dave Rimelis. Dave demonstrates Celtic fiddling using the Swallow Tail Jig to illustrate!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 151 – Cajun Fiddle

The lineage of Cajun music is rich and complex. But what makes Cajun fiddling sound the way it does? The answer can be found in this Discovery Orchestra Chat featuring…

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So many reasons to thank you! I loved listening to your work with our students and especially seeing their engagement with you. Thank you for your support of this school. Your energy and your expertise make a difference.

— Paul Chapin, Head of Newark Boys Chorus School


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