Featured Artists

Picture of Stephane Wrembel

Intimate Afternoon: Discover Django

Featuring The Stephane Wrembel Band! Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 3:00pm(Snow date March 27, 2022) Visual Arts Center, 68 Elm St, Summit, NJ Legendary jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt created a…

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Discover The Firebird DVD

Discover The Firebird, winner of 2 Telly Awards, begins with a complete performance of Kastchei’s Infernal Dance by 85 members of The Discovery Orchestra and Maestro George Marriner Maull, and then launches into a…

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Video Podcast - Notes from Under the Piano Episode 2, What Is Maullaria?

What is Maullaria?

When, and where, did this term first appear?  Do you have it?  If you have an intense emotional response to classical music then you may! Notes from Under the Piano…

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Discover The Firebird

Igor Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite has been with me a long time.  Back in the 1960’s, one of Philadelphia’s grocery store chains, the Penn Fruit Company, began offering classical 33 1/3…

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Firebird TV Show

See if the show is being broadcast in your state. Or.. enter your zip code and provider to see if the show is being broadcast in your area: Discover The…

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Captain Nemo Meets Igor Stravinsky

First – mea culpa!  I wish to apologize for my two-month hiatus from posting.  Preparations during July and August for the production we just recorded for American Public Television – right up…

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Stumbled upon this quite by accident on our Maryland PBS station. What a joy! Firebird is my favorite piece of music and your wonderful program just enhanced my appreciation of Stravinsky’s genius. Thank you and keep up your great work of feeding our souls!

— Discover The Firebird TV Viewer


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