Nov 22, 2021

Anyone for a Drink?

Inside Music radio show episode: Anyone for a Drink?

The raucous movement When We Are In The Tavern from Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana is the focus of this episode. Maestro Maull explores both the text and music of this chorus extolling the consumption of alcohol. Orff’s use of an all male chorus, sudden tempo changes, patter song technique, and even the interjection of the sound of a Bavarian oompah band all combine for a wild time in the drinking establishment!

Inside Music is made possible in part by Robert Scott, managing partner at Main Street Wealth Management in Bedminster, New Jersey.  Their team of certified and dedicated financial advisors are passionate about improving their clients’ lives.

Additional sponsorship of Inside Music has been provided by Alfonso Finocchiaro in memory of Diana Finocchiaro.

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