Apr 24, 2014

All on the Same Page


It’s gratifying, and important actually, to know that the people you work with are all on the same page. Perhaps that sounds elementary and obvious, but if you think about various situations you’ve been in over the course of your life, you may recall that it’s not always the case that everyone feels like they are part of the team or all striving toward a common goal. Worse yet, perhaps there have been times when you sensed that many people were working at cross-purposes.

Since presenting our first Discovery Concertå¨ back in the 1990’s, we have certainly received some wonderful spoken feedback from the superb musicians who play for us. We decided to ask the members of The Discovery Orchestra to fill out opinion surveys following our recent Laughing with Rossini event at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey.

Here is a sampling from these graduates of some of our nation’s leading music schools and conservatories:

“This format must have a huge impact on the audience. Looking out from the stage, the audience seemed entirely engaged.”

It’s always fun to learn more about a piece which we know intimately from a performing standpoint – it brings a different perspective to my understanding and informs my performance in new ways.”

“I feel that this format engages the audience in most obvious ways. They respond verbally and physically to the ideas from the podium. Most importantly, they seem to enjoy the process of listening. It is effective in drawing new listeners.”

“I’ve performed these overtures many, many times – under-rehearsed with detail overlooked. It is a delight and a luxury to perform these scores with the attention they deserve.”

“Judging by the laughter and ‘comfortable’ participation of the audience it seems to be quite a success! They were highly engaged, and I can only assume got a lot out of it.”

“They smile and gladly participate. They are not talked down to. They love it! It’s a great way to educate the audience – a rare opportunity.”

“I wish more groups did these types of programs. Not only inspiring to listeners, but a terrific reminder for the musicians that sometimes forget the mastery of these works.”

“It was a bit of an epiphany for me. THANKS GEORGE!”

One player reported hearing this comment from an audience member in the ladies’ room during intermission: “It’s the first time I’ve understood classical music.”

Enough said!

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